[Covington, S. (US 4th Edition, rev. 2025). Del Mar, CA: Center for Gender & Justice]
This set of training materials focuses on trauma-informed services for men, women, and youth and is designed for those working in both community-based programs and the justice system. It is designed for all levels of staff and administration. The Becoming Trauma Informed (BTI) training material consists of a facilitator’s guide, participant’s booklet, and PowerPoint slides for a seven-hour training day. All of the material is on a flash drive in PDF format for ease of duplication.
The topics covered include:
• Vicarious trauma and work-related stress
• The work environment
• Self-care
• Violence in our world
• The process and effects of trauma
• Gender differences
• Trauma-informed, trauma-responsive, and gender-responsive environments and trauma-specific services
• Nonverbal communication
• Triggers
• Calming and grounding strategies
• The ORID process
Please email info@stephaniecovington.com or call our office at 858-454-8528 for additional information in order to purchase these training materials.
Please contact us with any questions about your book order, or for assistance with placing an order.
1201 Camino Del Mar, Suite 204, Del Mar, CA 92014 • 858.454.8528 • 858.454.8598 (Fax)
© Stephanie S. Covington, PhD, LCSW