Beyond Violence+: A Prevention Program for Justice-Involved Women and Gender Div

Beyond Violence+: A Prevention Program for Justice-Involved Women and Gender-Diverse People

Special Edition for use in the Criminal Justice System

[Covington, S. (2025). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley]

9781394230792 (workbook) and 9781394241118 (facilitator guide)


Beyond Violence+: A Prevention Program for Justice-Involved Women and Gender-Diverse People is the new edition scheduled to be released in March, 2025. Our understanding of gender has shifted from the binary male-female model to a more inclusive and expansive model. In order to reflect these changes, the definition of gender responsive has been expanded to include the experiences of transgender and nonbinary people. This new material has inclusive pronouns, as well as examples of their experiences and focus questions specific to this group.  New topics to this edition include:

  • The Risk of Suicide in Prison
  • Fostering Connection, Hope, and Meaning in Prison
  • Our Children
  • Nurturing in Action
  • Caregiving over Time and with Others
  • Relationships in Prison
  • Everyday Actions in Our Relationships

Beyond Violence+ is the first evidence-based manualized curriculum for women and gender-diverse people in criminal justice settings (jails, prisons, and community corrections) with histories of aggression and/or violence.  It deals with the violence and trauma they have experienced, as well as the violence they may have committed. It addresses the factors that put people at risk for experiencing and/or inflicting violence. Group participants develop mindfulness and emotional intelligence, understand victim impact, and learn skills to change their behavior.  This trauma- and gender-informed program reduces recidivism. Beyond Violence+ focuses on anger and utilizes a multi-level approach and a variety of evidence-based therapeutic strategies (i.e., psychoeducation, role-playing, mindfulness activities, cognitive-behavioral restructuring, and grounding skills for trauma triggers).  This four-level violence prevention model considers the complex interplay between individual, relationship, community, and societal factors. This model is used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) World Health Organization (WHO) and was used in the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) research on women in prison. 

Beyond Violence+ is a 27-session (54-hour) intervention that consists of a facilitator guide, participant workbook, and DVD.  The facilitator’s manual is a step-by-step guide containing the theory, structure, and content needed for running groups. It includes the companion DVD, What I Want My Words to Do To You (by Eve Ensler), incorporated throughout the program sessions. The participant’s workbook allows participants to process and record the therapeutic experience. There are detailed and empowering tools, skill-building exercises, and activities focused on self-examination.  The program is designed to assist participants in understanding trauma, the multiple aspects of anger, the connection between substance use and aggression, and increasing emotional regulation.  The materials are designed to be user-friendly and self-instructive. This allows the program to be implemented by a staff with a wide range of training and experience, including trained peer facilitators. 


Materials will be available for purchase in April 2025.  
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