Poking the Bear: The Inapplicability of the RNR Principles for Justice-involved Women
May 8, 2022:Messina, N. and Esparza, P. (2022). Poking the Bear: The Inapplicability of the RNR Principles for Justice-involved Women. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2022.108798
The Evolution of Gender-and Trauma-Responsive Criminal-Justice Interventions for Women
December 14, 2021:Messina, M. (2021). "The Evolution of Gender-and Trauma-Responsive Criminal-Justice Interventions for Women." HSOA Journal of Addiction & Addictive Disorders, 8: 070. DOI: 10.24966/AAD-7276/100070
Saxena, P., Grella, C.E., & Messina, N. (October 2015). "Continuing Care and Trauma in Women Offenders’ Substance Use, Psychiatric Status, and Self-Efficacy Outcomes." Women & Criminal Justice, ISSN: 0897-4454 print/1541-0323 online. (Research in a women’s prison on Helping Women Recover and Beyond Trauma)
Saxena, P., Messina, N. & Grella, C. (April 2014). "Who Benefits from Gender-Responsive Treatment? Accounting for Abuse History on Longitudinal Outcomes for Women in Prison." Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. 41, No. 4, 417-432. (Research in a women's prison on Helping Women Recover and Beyond Trauma, please contact Dr. Covington's office at sc@stephaniecovington.com for more information)
Trauma-Informed Treatment Decreases Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Women Offenders
January 5, 2014:Messina, N., Calhoun, S., & Braithwaite, J. (2014). "Trauma-Informed Treatment Decreases Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Women Offenders." Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 15(1), 6-23. DOI: 10.1080/15299732.2013.818609. PMID: 24377969 PMCID: PMC3877926 NIHMSID # 509767 (Research in a women's prison on Helping Women Recover and Beyond Trauma)
Oklahoma Department of Corrections, Evaluation and Analysis Unit. (March 22, 2013). Helping Women Recover/Beyond Trauma: Program Effects on Offender Criminal Thinking, Psychological Adjustment, and Social Functioning. (Research in a women’s prison on Helping Women Recover and Beyond Trauma)
Gender-Responsive Drug Court Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial
December 1, 2012:Messina, N., Calhoun, S. & Warda, U. (December 2012). "Gender-Responsive Drug Court Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial." Criminal Justice and Behavior, Volume 39, Issue 12, pp. 1536 - 1555. (Research in drug court on Helping Women Recover and Beyond Trauma, please contact Dr. Covington's office at sc@stephaniecovington.com for more information)
Implementing Gender-Responsive Treatment for Women in Prison: Client and Staff Perspectives
December 1, 2010:Calhoun, S., Messina, N., Cartier, J., and Torres, S. (December 2010). "Implementing Gender-Responsive Treatment for Women in Prison: Client and Staff Perspectives." Federal Probation, Volume 74, Issue 3, Pages 27-33. (Research in a women's prison on Helping Women Recover and Beyond Trauma)
Enhancing Substance Abuse Treatment and HIV Prevention for Women Offenders: Final Report
July 1, 2010:Bond, K., Messina, N., & Calhoun, S. (2010). Enhancing Substance Abuse Treatment and HIV Prevention for Women Offenders: Final Report (Report to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Grant No. 1 R01 DA022149-01). Unpublished manuscript. (Research in drug court on Helping Women Recover and Beyond Trauma)
A Randomized Experimental Study of Gender-Responsive Substance Abuse Treatment for Women in Prison
March 4, 2010:Messina, N., Grella, C.E., Cartier, J., & Torres, S. (March 2010). "A Randomized Experimental Study of Gender-Responsive Substance Abuse Treatment for Women in Prison." Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Volume 38, No. 2, 97–107. (Research in a women’s prison on Helping Women Recover and Beyond Trauma)
Women and Addiction: A Trauma-Informed Approach
November 6, 2008:Covington, S. (November 2008). "Women and Addiction: A Trauma-Informed Approach." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, SARC Supplement 5, 377-385. (Foundational information)
Evaluation of a Trauma-Informed and Gender-Responsive Intervention for Women in Drug Treatment
November 1, 2008:S. Covington, C. Burke, S. Keaton, and C. Norcott. "Evaluation of a Trauma-Informed and Gender Responsive Intervention for Women in Drug Treatment." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Supplement 5, November 2008, 387-398.
1201 Camino Del Mar, Suite 204, Del Mar, CA 92014 • 858.454.8528 • 858.454.8598 (Fax)
© Stephanie S. Covington, PhD, LCSW