Staff Development

Women and Addiction: A Gender-Responsive Approach

[Covington, S. (2007). Center City, MN: Hazelden Publishing]

Historically, addiction research and treatment have been focused on men. Now there is a growing recognition of the need for gender-responsive and trauma-informed treatment services for women with substance-use disorders. This manual and DVD provide an overview of what is essential in creating woman-centered services, including a theoretical foundation and guiding principles, a discussion of what counselors need to know and do in order to be effective, and a description of important program elements. The complete package is part of Hazelden’s Clinical Innovators Series and includes a self-test for continuing education (CEs).

Standard shipping is 10-14 days. For other expedited shipment options, or to use PayPal to purchase your materials, or for international shipments please contact

For full shipping information, please see our Book Ordering Information page.

  • Women and Addiction Manual & CE Test ($74.95)
  • Women and Addiction DVD, Manual & CE Test ($225.00)

Moving from Trauma-Informed to Trauma-Responsive: A Training Program for Organizational Change

[Covington S. and Bloom, S. (2018). Center City, MN: Hazelden Publishing]

Although trauma is common among individuals experiencing co-occurring problems, professionals serving this population often struggle to provide care that effectively addresses the issue. While many organizations are trauma-informed, becoming trauma-responsive means looking at all aspects of an organization's programming, environment, language, and values and involving all staff to better serve clients who have experienced trauma. Moving from Trauma-Informed to Trauma-Responsive provides program administrators and clinical directors with some of the key resources needed to train staff and make organizational changes to become trauma responsive. This comprehensive training program involves all staff, to help ensure clients are served with a trauma-responsive approach. Developed by leading trauma experts Stephanie S. Covington, PhD, and Sandra L. Bloom, MD, this program is an excellent primer to assist organizations in becoming trauma-responsive.

Moving from Trauma-Informed to Trauma-Responsive includes:

3 hours of video and a USB Drive with resources that can be easily reproduced for training participants a facilitator guide with step-by-step instructions to assist facilitators in implementing the ten-step process of becoming trauma-responsive.

Standard shipping is 10-14 days. For other expedited shipment options, or to use PayPal to purchase your materials, or for international shipments please contact

For full shipping information, please see our Book Ordering Information page.

Becoming Trauma Informed

[Covington, S. (US 4th Edition, rev. 2025). Del Mar, CA: Center for Gender & Justice]

This set of training materials focuses on trauma-informed services for men, women, and youth and is designed for those working in both community-based programs and the justice system. It is designed for all levels of staff and administration. The Becoming Trauma Informed (BTI) training material consists of a facilitator’s guide, participant’s booklet, and PowerPoint slides for a seven-hour training day. All of the material is on a flash drive in PDF format for ease of duplication.

The topics covered include:  
•  Vicarious trauma and work-related stress
•  The work environment
•  Self-care
•  Violence in our world
•  The process and effects of trauma
•  Gender differences
•  Trauma-informed, trauma-responsive, and gender-responsive environments and trauma-specific services  
•  Nonverbal communication
•  Triggers
•  Calming and grounding strategies
•  The ORID process

Please email or call our office at 858-454-8528 for additional information in order to purchase these training materials.


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