S. Covington. Helping Women Recover: Creating Gender-Specific Treatment For Substance-Abusing Women and Girls in Community Correctional Settings. In M. McMahon, ed., Assessment to Assistance: Programs for Women in Community Corrections. Latham, Md.: American Correctional Association, 2000, 171-233.
S. Covington. Self-Discovery and Empowerment: The Voices Program for Girls. Civic Research Institute, Women, Girls & Criminal Justice 5(6). October/November, 2004.
G. Fedock and S. Covington. Strengths-Based Approaches to the Treatment of Incarcerated Women and Girls. Facilitating Desistance from Aggression and Crime: Theory, Research, and Strength-Based Practices. Edited by C. Langton and J. Worling. United Kingdom: Wiley Blackwell, 2022.
B. Bloom, S. Covington, N. Messina, & K. Selveggi. The Gender-Responsive Policy and Practice Assessment (GRPPA) Tool. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections, 2014.
S. Covington and J. Surrey. The Relational Model of Women's Psychological Development: Implications for Substance Abuse. Work in Progress, no. 91. Wellesley, Mass.: Stone Center, Working Paper Series, 2000.
Also published in Sharon and Richard Wilsnack, eds., Gender and Alcohol: Individual and Social Perspectives. Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies. 1997, 335-351.
S. Covington. The Relational Theory of Women’s Psychological Development: Implications for the Criminal Justice System. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., November 1998.
S. Covington. The Relational Theory of Women’s Psychological Development: Implications for the Criminal Justice System. In Ruth T. Zaplin, ed., Female Offenders: Critical Perspectives and Effective Interventions, 2nd Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2007.
S. Covington. The Voices Program for Girls: Theoretical Foundations and Program Overview.” Civic Research Institute, Women, Girls & Criminal Justice 6 (1). December/January, 2005.
G. Fedock and S. Covington. Theoretical Models of Female Violent Offending. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology. Edited by R. Morgan. Thousand Oaks, CA: Safe Publications, Inc., August 2019.
S. Krammer, Y. Linder, M. Peper, S. Covington and D. Klecha. Trauma and Mental Health in Respect of Detained Women in Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Criminology, ISSN 1660-2501. Bern, Switzerland, September 2015.
S. Kubiak, S. Covington and C. Hillier. Trauma-Informed Corrections. In Springer, D. & Roberts, A. (editors). Social Work in Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems, 4th edition. Springfield, IL; Charles C. Thomas, 2017.
S. Covington. Women and Addiction: A Trauma-Informed Approach. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, SARC Supplement 5, November 2008, 377-385.
S. Covington. Women and the Criminal Justice System. Editor’s commentary. Women’s Health Issues, 17(4), 2007.
S. Covington. Women in Prison: Approaches in the Treatment of Our Most Invisible Population. Haworth Press, Women and Therapy Journal 21 (1), (1998): 141-155.
S. Covington. Women, Addiction, and Sexuality. In L. Straussner and E. Zelvin, Eds., Gender Issues in Addiction: Men and Women in Treatment, Jason Aronson. 1997.
S. Covington. Working with Substance Abusing Mothers: A Trauma-Informed, Gender-Responsive Approach. The Source. 17 (1), 2007, 1-6.
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© Stephanie S. Covington, PhD, LCSW